This is how our 2 1/2 year old princess woke up on her 1/2 bday yesterday! I now know two things! a) Why my mom had my hair cut into a short "boy" cut when I was five and b) why she claimed that rats lived in my hair at night!
My hair was down to my hiney though when she got it cut and I have never forgiven her for it! Maybe now I have a little more sympathy for her and will consider forgiving her 26 years later. Aubree's is half way down her back when it's wet, but I think it's time to figure out how to tame this mess with more than just baby shampoo.
On another note, she turned 2 1/2 yesterday! We can't believe she's growing up on us so fast! We are truly blessed with this little gal. She brightens our days with her super cute little personality and we love her so much! Here's how she would dress everyday if we let her: I just love this little picture of her. Although a very serious face while she enjoys her froot loops.