Sunday, August 26, 2012

Knoxton Calhoun's Birth Story

Here's Knox's birth story I wrote right after having him.

On Monday night, I got woken up several times with semi strong contractions. It had been happening for days, but had gotten tired of timing them. I thought maybe they could be leading to something. I was planned to be induced on the 8th anyway, so I didn't think much of it. I had a dr. appt that morning anyway, so Brandon was staying home to take me and my mom was already there with the kids. I got up and started getting ready and they were getting stronger and closer together. By about 9ish I had two contractions that brought me to tears. I waited to have one more bad one and then called the dr. They had me come in to the office early and get checked out instead of going to L&D. I had one bad one of the way to the dr. When I was called back to see the midwife, I got another "teary" contraction. The nurse still made me step on the scale, and get my blood pressure taken. It was high, and they think only b/c I was in mid contraction. MW checked me and I was 3cm 80% and -1. As I was in tears with another contraction, she said I had two options. Go home and see if they get worse or go to L&D to get checked... Duh, labor at home with 3 kids... no way! We went to the hospital. I had several more bad ones, and was in tears again as I walked in to check in. They took me to triage and I was 4 cm and 90% now. I was in labor and getting to stay. That was 11:30 am. I got a room and got into the whirlpool tub. I took about 7 or 8 STRONG contractions in there, before I just couldn't take it anymore. I got out to start getting my IV bag I needed before the epi. (forgot to mention it took 4 tries to get an iv started) I got my fluid bag while having really bad contractions and finally got my epi. My back is weird and epis have been strange for me before. She put it in and it took all the way up my chest and one arm and only a little in my legs and bottom. So I was numb starting at my neck. It's not pleasant. I then felt like I couldn't breathe and started to have anixiety about it. It took this way for all 3 of my boys. Aubree's epi was perfect! The anastegologist (sp.) was awsome though. She kept trying to figure out how to fix it and finally after a while it wasn't perfect, but it was bearable. I got very sick to my stomach though and needed Zofran through my IV. I then progressed to around an 8 pretty quickly. I got stuck there for a while. Knox's heartrate kept going down and he wasn't behaving. I had to constantly go from side to side and try to get his rate back up. They did a node thing on his head to keep track of his hb, but that eventually wasn't working either. I needed to get to 10 so we could get him out. We tried to push past the lip of the cervix and that seemed to work. He was turned facing left though so he wasn't in the best position to come out. Dr. let me stretch a little and he came back in to try pushing some more. We turned my epi down a little so I could feel more and then I got better at the pushing. Dr. was thinking a vaccum delivery, and I was wanting to avoid that at all costs...I pushed for about 40 minutes and finally he was born at 7:07 on August 7th... Cool thing with all of the 7s. We were in room 7 as well!!! He was a whopping 8lbs. 9 oz. and 21 inches long. He looks just like Anderson. We think we have traveled back in time and are holding him. We are in complete love with the puzzle piece we never knew was missing. He is nursing ok. Having a little trouble with is latch, but this mama is determined to make it work!