Sunday, June 22, 2008

It is Decided!!!!

Her new name is Aubree Claire! This is what I have wanted from the beginning! We are not changing it!!!! I promise! Haven't convinced Anderson yet, but he will just have to get over it!


Claire said...

Well, of course I love it!!!! I'm sure Anderson will too in time. I've always loved my name and I'm sure Aubree will too. Hope you have had a great weekend!

Amy said...

Claire, I knew you would like it a little better than Caroline! I have been trying to talk Brandon into it for months.. He thought it would be weird, but I assured him it wouldn't be! Thanks for letting us borrow the name!

Unknown said...

hooray for aubree claire!!

megan said...

Beautiful!!! I was always pushing for one of our girls to be Claire, but I never got my way :) So cute!