Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School, Nursing Talk, and More Pictures of Aubree

Anderson started 3 year old preschool today! He's about the biggest in his class. He had to be put in three's since he missed the cutoff day by 14 days. I guess he will always be the biggest which will have it's advantages. He was really excited although, I had to wake him up this am to get there in time. He did great and said he "loveded" it! He was very tired tonight though and that's when a nap would come in handy.... if he didn't think he would miss something by napping.

Aubree and I headed to the LC at noon today to see how she is doing. She was weighed with her clothes on and weighed in at a whopping 7lbs. 14.9 oz. She got right to work nursing and got done in about ten minutes on one side. She then weighed 7lbs 15.7 oz. so she took close to an ounce on that side. I offered her the other and she just fell asleep!!!! Our LC was so pleased that she had made this much progres in a week!!!!!!! This was just worlds of difference from what she was doing last Tuesday!!! We are thrilled. She WILL get it!!!!!! I just know it!

Some pictures of my beautiful little lady!

Couldn't leave out Grayson!


Claire said...

Glad things went so well for all! Sounds like everyone is making progress. Can't wait to see you soon!

Amy J said...

Such cuties... all of them. I'm glad Aubree is getting the hang of things.