cranial band! BOOOO HOOOOO I knew it was coming! She has really favored one side for lying and sleeping since day one despite drastic measures on my part to get her to go the other way!!!!!!!! Her case of plagio is EXACTLY like Grayson's which leads me to believe my uterus is shaped crazy or they lay in there some weird way!!!! We have her appt on Jan 12th to get fitted and I've decided I'll just get a big bow painted on it since I love to put her little glue in bows in her hair!
Here are her stats:
14 lbs. 4 oz (60 %)
25 1/2 inches (90 %)
She check out to be a VERY healthly little gal!
The doc was very optimistic that since she is still so young and her head is growing rapidly that she may only have to wear it for a few months! At least it will be in Jan. instead of July like Grayson's was!!!!!!!!!! Let's look on the bright side of things at least she will have a warm head all winter! ... And in a few short months her ears and head will be symmertical!!!!!!!!
cranial band today... braces tomorrow! at the end of it all, she's gonna be perfectly beautiful just like momma!
chin up, look how good grayson looks!
Sorry for the band...but I know you will make it look super cute. You're right...she'll be good and warm for the winter:) She'll have the cutest round head to grow all that beautiful hair on. Hope you have a very merry christmas!
I hate to hear about the band, but at least you caught it early and it is the cold months. Can't wait to see how super cute you make it!
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