Grayson must of had SuperMan drugs on Thursday during surgery, b/c he now can JUMP out of his crib! He hasn't napped since Wednesday of last week and then decided he would JUMP out of his crib at night too! We FINALLY broke down and said good bye to the crib last night and bought a mattress for the top of the bunks and moved everyone to thier "new" beds. Anderson was so excited to sleep up top (he did great) and Grayson feel asleep right away in his big boy bed! I checked on him several times to make sure he was ok throughout the night and of course had to feed Aubree at 12:30! I had a beautiful blonde boy staring me in the face at 5:30 am this morning!!!!!!!!! (BOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO) I have always prided myself for having children that "slept in".. I guess those days are over. He wanted chocolate milk, so I got that for him and I let him get in our bed to try to go back to sleep! He was snoring with his paci clicking a few seconds after finishing his milk. I had almost got back to sleep when Aubree starting crying. I feed her and brought her to bed with me and Grayson and when Brandon left for work I had 2/3 of the Snyder kids in the bed with me... I had just gotten back to sleep when Anderson started yelling for me to help him down......... Grayson slept until 8:30 in my bed and when he got up he went "Pee Pee" on the the potty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!! Who needs sleep right????
Lots of excitement for one morning..although I'm sure it's just typical for you! I'm sure the boys are loving the new sleeping arrangements, even though it probably makes you so nervous. Contrats on Grayson going in the potty!!!That's awesome!
Oh amy I know how that feels my kids never sleep in!. They boycotted thier naps a few weeks ago also but one good thing is that they are so tired come 7 30 they dont even give us a problem anymore FINALLY
I'm just going to come out and say it: I will be so jealous when Grayson is potty trained before Nicholas! Whew! I feel better now :) Sounds like the first night in big boy beds went pretty well. Hope it gets continues to get better.
Wow, how did he do that?! I thought that crib was impossible to climb out of! At least he slept in the bed alright. Good luck with the transition. Oh, and nobody with 3 or more kids is allowed to sleep past 6:30, so give up on that dream ;)
Wow! Big boy bed and going on the potty! I'm oozing with jealousy! Good job Grayson!
as jealous as i am about the potty training and the big boy bed, i am glad that brody is still napping. maybe e will go back to it when he adjusts to the new bed. we'll be praying you get some sleep!!
I can feel your pain of not getting much sleep! I have to admit that Tyler has allowed us to sleep a good amount but I'm not assuming this will be the case with the new baby.
Wow- lots of big steps in a span of one day!
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