Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Correction: Make that 5 Dr's appts and one surgery!

Anderson woke up yesterday morning with eye gunk.... therefore he didn't get to go to school and we had to visit the pedi before we went for Grayson's vision/hearing screening. He got some drops and was good as new by the evening.... After the appts. yesterday I realized I was starting to not feel well........ hadn't really had time to realize it I guess! I didn't sleep much at all last night due to the dull pain in my ears. I made an appt to see my doc this afternoon and got some meds... Lord, I hope I start to feel better soon.
Grayson will be having outpatient surgery in the morning, as Dr. Clyne thinks clipping under his tongue will help with his chewing and speech problems... We have to be at the surgical center at 6:15 am in the morning and he will be given Versed, then a breathing tube and IV and be put under. PLEASE pray for our little Grayson that God will take care of him and that his tongue will heal quickly! It's only Wednesday and boy has this been a week!


ODonnell Family Blog said...

Dr. Clyne is wonderful. Grayson is in good hands. I'll say a little prayer tonight for him!

Hope you and Anderson feel better too! What a week!

Amber Greenawalt said...

Goodness me! We only have three doc apps this week and a surgery next week...finally someone with a crazier schedule than us! ;) Dr. Clyne is awesome!!! He will take great care of little Grayson. We'll add him to our prayers :) ((Hugs))

Amy J said...

Goodness! I'll be thinking of Grayson tomorrow, Amy.

Jennifer B. said...

I love Dr. Clyne. I will certainly pray for the surgery and I hope YOU and Anderson feel better soon.

Unknown said...

still can't believe they didn't clip him when he was born!!! poor grayson!!

hope everyone will be feeling much better soon!