Wednesday, April 29, 2009


That's Grayson these days. I really didn't think he would take to this potty training thing the way that he has. He's actually younger than Anderson was when I trained him and much more stubborn that Anderson.
He still cries sometimes while pooping and gets really scared when he actually does it, but he is taking the pee pee thing a little extreme. We put him in a night night diaper for bed b/c I'm sure he will potty while sleeping, but I guess he's too good for that now! We got awoken at 10:30 pm last night for a pee pee break and 6:20 am for another one this morning..... Ya know, I wouldn't really care if he made use of that diaper at night! :) But I am so proud of my little guy...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Potty Training the Head Strong Child

is where I have been! It's tough, but he's making progress! Seems like all he does is sit on the potty or dance around it, but he is making it most of the time! Looks like he would get bored of being near the potty and just go ahead and do his business, but he's so darn stubborn he tires to hold it in!!! At least he has the control thing down! Off to potty land!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy 8 Month bday Aubree Claire!

So... I saw this on someone else's blog the other day while reading random blogs of people I don't know and thought I would steal the idea!

Eight Things to Love About Aubree

1. The way her eyes sparkle and dance when she smiles.

2. Her sweet laugh or giggle I would call it.

3. That her head is the closest thing to round that we can get! :)

4. Her chunky legs.

5. The way she adores her big brothers.

6. The fact that she looks beautiful in any outfit I put her in... which these days I am changing her clothes a few times a day because I love to see all of her new Spring outfits!

7. The sweet way she digs her head into yours to give you a little hug (she especially likes to give Daddy hugs this way).

8. The way she sleeps on my chest during church every Sunday.. something about getting up at 7 am makes one want to take a nap during the 10 am service every Sunday. I love it, because I don't feel guilty for holding her while she sleeps if there's no other option!!!!

Below is our photo shoot from this morning. She was so smiley!

New Skills!

Aubree has been diligently working on her newest skill all weekend. It's all she wants to do! She pulls up onto anything and lets go to stand for 15, 30, 45 seconds sometimes longer..... She just gleams with pride when she does it..... It's so cute! She has also stood alone from the floor twice... She just did it as I am typing this.. She puts her hands down and pushed herself up to a standing position! She just amazes me!
Also, a band update... she goes Wednesday for her final scan since she is down to 1mm in difference from 8mm.... We noticed on Friday that it's fitting way too tight, so Brandon and I took it upon ourselves to graduate her earlier.. We haven't had it on her all weekend........ and boy do I love that sweet head!!! I've so missed it. I guess we will put it on her some Tuesday and Wed. morning before her appointment and then it's goodbye band forever!!!!!! I couldn't be more excited! Check out the pictures of her new skill and a few other ones I couldn't leave out!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Weekend

Our Easter weekend was great! We started off on Good Friday dying eggs while daddy worked on some little projects around the house. Then we headed to Spartanburg, so Brandon and I could go to dinner by ourselves on Friday night. We needed a boat to get to dinner since it was raining so hard. We had a nice time together! Saturday we helped Keslynne celebrate her 6th bday with a party at her house and an egg hunt! Sunday we went to mom and dad's church and the kids got their Easter bunny suprise! Warning... there are a lot of pictures, but I just couldn't pick a few!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Bliss!

6 Years of Marriage (to my dear Brandon)

5 Truckloads of Diapers (I think I change them in my sleep!)

4 Dogs we've owned (none of which we still have)

3 Trips to the hospital (1 ER and two overnight stays)

2 Very Energetic and Adorable boys


1 Beautiful Spoiled Rotten Baby Girl

Need I say more? My life is pure bliss and I love every minute of it! Happy 6 year anniversary Sunday babe!

I wouldn't trade this life for anything!~

Pretty sad this is the only recent pic of us together. We need to get in front of the camera together more!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Recent Pictures of my Kiddos

Not wanting to look at the camera.. mommy taking a pic of new haircuts

Super Aubree

Showing his muscles!

Trying on some new outfits (can't wait for it to stay semi warm)

Can't wait for the helmet to go bye bye, so we can wear bows again!

Grayson proud of our Ikea find to fit all of his and Anderson's books

Go Cubs Go!

WELCOME Major League Baseball Season 2009!!!! So excited about baseball being on again! Not that I think that our beloved Cubs will have a chance at winning anything (after not winning a game in the postseason last year), but I just love the sound of the Cubs on in my house everyday!!! Yes, we subscribe to the the MLB Extra Innings baseball package to get every single CUBS game all year long! I even wore my Cubbie shirt today. Anderson took a pic of me for the blog! Love me some baseball!