Friday, April 24, 2009

Potty Training the Head Strong Child

is where I have been! It's tough, but he's making progress! Seems like all he does is sit on the potty or dance around it, but he is making it most of the time! Looks like he would get bored of being near the potty and just go ahead and do his business, but he's so darn stubborn he tires to hold it in!!! At least he has the control thing down! Off to potty land!


megan said...

Keep up the good work! You'll be so glad when it's done!!! At least you're getting beautiful weather so he can run around nekked ;)

Christina said...

Nicholas hasn't had an accident yet today and we even went out shopping for a few hours (and of course, visited a few public bathrooms along the way)! I'm soooo hoping this is a good sign! Way to go Grayson on holding it in. That's something we don't have down yet.