Wednesday, July 15, 2009

He's Talking!

After a lot of debating, we decided to take Grayson out of speech at the end of May and end his services with Early Intervention. He wasn't making any progress with his speech therapist for many reasons, and Brandon and I didn't see wasting our money, time and sanity to have her come every Monday at 1:30..... Yeah, 1:30 right in the middle of our new found nap time! (He did start taking naps again... Thank you Lord!) He was so tired by that time each Monday, that he wouldn't cooperate or even try to talk. It was very frustrating for him, me and his therapist. I am glad that we found EI, b/c if not I don't know if I would have taken him to the ENT when I did. I credit Dr. Clyne and the surgeries that he had to go through for Grayson's emerging speech! I think clipping the tounge helped some, and the tubes only made things better! He is talking up a storm now! He has tons of words and even uses phrases now! The other day while Aubree was trying to get to the potty, Grayson said, "No Abee, My potty!" I feel like he's maybe a few months behind, but making great progress with us working with him!! It's so nice to hear him say that he's "Mommy's boy!" He may have some articulation problems, but we'll address those once he gets in school, so for right now we're loving his new found skill of talking!


Christina said...

Yeah Grayson!

megan said...

That's great news! I'm sure you're relieved :)

Eversole Crew said...

Awesome! That is wonderful news!

Unknown said...

so glad for the improvement! can't wait to hear him chatting with the others!

Amber Greenawalt said...

Awesome Amy! WTG Grayson :)

Jennifer B. said...

I'm glad things are working out better. We did Speech through EI and I wasn't very happy with the way things were going. I did like EI quite a bit nonetheless. Ty's speech is still behind but it's getting better and better.

Claire said...

so excited for all of you!!!! That's so awesome!!!