Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Paci Fairy Returns!

Well, Grayson's use of his beloved paci at night only (since he no longer naps) was more of a crutch for me and Brandon than it was for him. He loved his paci so much, so I kept procrastinating the return of the Paci Fairy. It was just easier at night to get him in the mood for bed if I said, "Let's go get your pacis"... On Saturday, he had a busy day of celebrating Christmas for the 4th time that by 9:00 he was beyond ready to sleep. I put him down and just didn't even mention his pacis. He went to sleep easily and slept until 8am... without paying us a visit in the middle of the night! Brandon and I decided that he has to officially get rid of them for good, so we talked to him about the paci fairy and packaged them up and put them in the mailbox. He was all for it! A little later, the paci fairy came and left him some yummy sour gummy worms in the mailbox! He was thrilled... until Sunday night came and he wanted his pacis!!! He was crying "NO PACI FAIRY... GO GET 'EM" over and over again! It was a little harder to get him to let me leave his room, but he did sleep and didn't wake up in the middle of the night either.. Last night, was about the same as well. I figure in a few days he will forget all about them. We are now a paci free family!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll just have to figure out how to break Aubree of her thumb in a few years... Can't send those to the thumb fairy!!! :)


megan said...

Wow, what a big milestone! We've been prepping Daniel for his paci going away when he turns 3 in February, but I'm already afraid of how nights will go. I guess we've survived it with the first 3, but it's never fun. Congrats on getting this far!!!

Jason, Julie, Ian, and Ivy said...

We have tried to get rid of Ian's paci before...even tried giving it to Santa. However, he did NOT want to do that...and we decided we didn't really want him hating Santa...so we decided to wait. We are prepping him for when we get him his big boy bed in a few weeks. He only gets his at night too...so it's not been too big a deal. Wish us luck in a few weeks!!

Nic said...

Way to go! We're trying to figure out how to rid Alex of sucking his 2 middle fingers. I'm giving him until 3 but then it'll be hard core. I think I might be buying some of that gross tasting nail biting stuff or otherwise splurging for that plastic contraption they sell at One Step Ahead.

The Nitsche Family said...

Hang in there - he'll soon forget about them. It's so nice not worrying about where the closest paci is and whether it is clean - you'll love that!