Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sew What Mommy!

SEW..... That's where I've been! Sewing A LOT!!! If I'm not driving the kids around, taking care of them, running errands, doing chores or sleeping, I'm sewing. I love it! I have been hard at work making some super cute outfits for Aubree for the fall and Holiday season. I'm a sucker for Holiday outfits so why not just make my own, right? They have turned out so cute! She gets comments everywhere we go in her "homemade" things. Lots of people want to know where I buy them because they want to get one for someone, and since you can't buy them, I thought I would offer a way for people to see what I can make. With the help of my partner in crime, a.k.a Jenn (whom I have introduced the love of sewing and embroidery to) we have made a blog that people can come to in order to get some of the cute things we are creating! We've both done some sewing for others this fall. I made some stuff for a little girl in Anderson's class and have several other people I've done things for. It's a fun outlet for us since we have both been staying at home with the kids for 6 and a half years. If you want to check out our site, it's I also have a link to it under my blog links. It's not really a business venture, it's more of a service that we are offering and it lets us be creative!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

post some pics of the house all decorated for Christmas!