Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One month Appointment (at 7 weeks old)

Aubree had her one month appt today a little late since I took her at 15 days to check her weight with all of our nursing issues in the beginning.... it knocked us off a little on being right with her month birthdays. Anyway, she weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz. and was 22 1/2 inches long. She is tall and skinny! She is my smallest baby. Anderson was such a chunker at 1 month 5 days he weighed 12 lbs. 4 oz. and Grayson at one month was about 11 1/2 lbs. The doctor prescribed some cream to try to help with her poor acne, so we will see how that works. Her face actually looked pretty good this afternoon before I even put the medicine on. We also discussed my concerns about how her head is getting flat on her "Favorite" side and how it's making her ear shift a little. You may remember Grayson had to wear a band aka helmet for four months because he favored one side to sleep and his was pretty severe.... I REALLY DON"T WANT HER TO HAVE A BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I would cry! I am really trying to be a meanie and make her sleep on her "non-favorite" side for naps, but she just sleeps so much better on her flat side for night time... I'm not going to disucss her night sleeping, b/c of course I don't want to jinx how well she is doing!!!!!! Enjoy some of her most recent pics.... of course you can see the acne and for sure see her flat head while doing tummy time.... (At least I can prove I'm doing tummy time for that poor flat head) .... nighty night!!!!! I'm out!

Grayson sporting his fall outfit made by Mattie... of course he had a fit when I tried to put it on him.. too fru fru for him.


Claire said...

Sounds like she is doing great! I'm sure her head and acne will work themselves out soon. I can't even tell! Grayson's outfit is soooo cute! Not to worry...you'll get plenty of chances for fru fru with Aubrey. You are doing so great! Love ya!

Claire said...

Oops! Sorry I put a "y" on Aubree's name! I hit the wrong key and didn't notice it until I hit enter. Sorry!!!!

Eversole Crew said...

Aubree is just going to be a dainty little girl...I am sure a nice change in arm weight from your bigger boys. It looks like she is getting more hair too!

Very cute outfit on Grayson! Enjoy it while you can...CR wouldn't let me even put overalls on him at that age.

Can't wait to see you guys soon!

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