Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Baby Said A Word!!!

My silly little boy has finally said another word other than "mama" and "dada".. I was eating chicken salad from Chick-fila (YUM-O) and crackers tonight and he picked up the crackers and said "ca-ker!"... It was the cutest thing. For those of you that don't know he had not been much of a talker, so we are really excited. With all of the "monkey" business he has been up to lately (couch diving, trips to the ER, walking off the couch, flying out of the tub, etc.) he just doesn't have the time or energy to talk. His new thing while he's in the tub is to stand up and then plop down as hard as possible on his booty to see how high he can splash the water. Anytime he is around water this summer, we will have to put a lifejacket on him... I think he would just go and dive in. He is such a dare-devil. I think if they let babies sky dive or bungee jump Grayson would be first in line! I'm really scared what he will be up to as he gets older.....

Here's a cute picture of him last week as he was preparing to give me a kiss. This is how he kisses.. It's always good and slobbery! I love it though. It's the sweetest slobber in the world to me!

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Still a Girl!!!

Aubree is still a girl. We had our second ultrasound today to check the places that the tech couldn't see last time (kidneys and back of head.) Everything looks great. The nucal fold measured within normal range, so she should be very healthy. ... since we didn't get any genetic tests done this is all we have to go on. We didn't get the tests done with the boys so we decided to not get anything done this time either. She is very calm compared to the boys. She just likes hanging out in one position and we really had to bug her to see the things we needed. We did get another money shot though and I will be keeping all of the girly clothes that I bought, because she is for sure a little girl. Aubree's legs are measuring about two weeks ahead and her little body is measuring right on track at 22 1/2 weeks. I guess this means she got her daddy's legs!!! I'm SOOOOOO glad about that. I always said if I have a little girl, I want her to have Brandon's long legs and not my short stubby ones.... I'm going to try to get Brandon to decide on a middle name by the end of the week! A girl has got to get things monogrammed.. ya know!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Snyder Family Trip to Brandon's Cousin's Wedding

Like I said, these pictures are about two weeks old, but I thought they were cute so I wanted to post them. We went to Brandon's cousin's wedding on April 12th. The fam got all snazzed up!

This is the best one of the family... of course Anderson is being a big "cheese ball"My sweet little man
Too hard for both to look at the camera at the same time
Anderson posing

Friday, April 25, 2008

Shirtless Afternoon!!! (Boys Only!)

OK... I am still not a pro at getting pictures off of my camera card onto my computer, so I get Brandon to do it every once in a while, so some of these pics are two weeks old.
The boys were shirtless one afternoon and decided it was a great time to pass the afternoon by. Here are some of the pictures I snapped of them while we were outside.

Anderson showing off his new haircut that I had to fix since the girl didn't cut enough. Paid $18.50 and she just forgot to cut one side of his hair.. (doesn't look really straight where I cut it, but I think it's the way it was combed .... and I don't charge $18.50 so I can't complain about myself to much) :)
Grayson showing me where his mouth is (with a big handful of pollen too I am sure)
Pointing out his belly
Too serious! He is so not serious...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

17 month old monkey = Trip to the ER

We were supposed to have nothing to do today! I didn't shower and was still in my pj's cleaning the bathroom while the boys played upstairs! They always have so much fun up there and Anderson even tells me to leave them up there by themselves sometimes. I thought I could get a little cleaning done without Grayson under my feet wanting me to hold him... so I gave it a try! BIG MISTAKE!!! I heard a cry from Grayson and ran up to find blood pooling out of his eyebrow! Lord, help me!!!! I went into panic, asked Anderson what Grayson had done and he looked at me and said "I don't know!" I guess he was paying too much attention to playing with his airplanes while Grayson was trying to be an AIRPLANE! I still can't figure out what he hit his head on.... Anderson finally told me furniture! I called Brandon in a panic, then called the dr. and they told me to take him to the ER (while all the time Grayson is still trying to climb on anything elevated above the ground!) Remember no shower, still in pj's... not a pretty site! I threw on clothes and a hat, called my lifesaver Jenn to see if I could bring Anderson over and took off for the ER! Brandon met me there and we were called back within 10 minutes of getting there. They super-glued him up and said he should heal well! Thank goodness no stiches.. they are trying to get away from doing the stiches unless absolutely necessary. He will probably always have a little scar to remind me of his monkey days! The ER doctor told me that this will probably not be the last time we were in there for something like this having two boys! Moral of the story: I will just have to have a dirty house!!!!
* His eye is a little swollen this morning... wondering if it will turn black???

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Such Simple Things Can Make a Gal Happy

Brandon and I just celebrated our 5 year anniversary and all of our appliances decided to break! How is that??? The toaster that we got for a wedding gift just up and died on us! It was kinda sad to have to throw away a wedding gift! We haven't been married long enough to have to throw something like that away.. have we? I mean it had some sentimental value amongst the crumbs and burnt on grease! I did get a nice, new, big toaster though! So on to my dryer... which has been leaving brown marks on our clothes for about 6 months now and making this horrible banging noise for about three years! We should have known SOMETHING was wrong! Brandon diagnosed the problem using the ole' trusty GOOGLE.. (what did we do before we could Google everything) and decided to take it apart. We figured it was best to lay the dryer to rest and just buy a new one just in case he couldn't fix it and had spent money on parts.. Anyway to my point.. I never knew how happy a dryer that worked properly could make a gal! I go to get clothes out of the dryer and they are DRY.. I don't have to turn them back on again and again! What a concept! Dry clothes, happy girl!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hungry?.... Just a little

Ok.. I have a confession to make! I have been so hungry for the last two weeks and I hope that means that Aubree is growing rapidly. I sure am! I think that if I could dip the house in honey mustard, I might just eat it! It would have to be honey mustard from Outback or McAlister's. Those are my two favorites. Or.. maybe if I could pour chocolate syrup all over the house I may eat it too. I have gained 5 pounds in two weeks! I guess I better slow down a little bit. I'm pretty sure I will be fussed at when I go to the doctor next Monday. Oh well, grow baby girl grow!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Girl has a Name

Well, baby girl has a first name for sure. It will be Aubree! Brandon is still debating on a middle name. We thought we had decided yesterday and NO.. he changed his mind! He may have decided today, but I'm too scared to post it because knowing him he will change his mind again... So right now her name is Aubree Snyder!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mommy is going back to College

It has been 7 years since I finished Clemson. Time flies! I have to go back to school to get my recertification hours for a job I don't do!! I would sure hate to lose my certification though! I got accepted to UNCC to take a graduate course and will be taking one this summer. Yeah, and I'll be 7 months pregnant.. Too cute, huh?? I bet a lot of things have changed since I last went to school. I'm looking forward to using my brain for something else besides reading children's books and trying to remember songs and such! Maybe there are still some brain cells in there!

Friday, April 11, 2008

20 weeks - Half way there

I turned 20 weeks on Wednesday, so that means I'm half way there. Maybe more than half way if baby girl is measuring big! I'm feeling pretty good, and enjoying eating now! I guess you can see that by my picture. We are so excited to be expecting a girl and of course I have been out shopping a lot. She already has around 25 outfits, a pair of shoes and some frilly socks.. It's too much fun. We also got the Clemson outfit pictured above from a dear friend Claire!! I can't wait to put baby girl in it. Also I'm really looking forward to Brandon picking out a name so I can quit calling her baby girl! One of these days maybe. Tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary, and of course we were invited to a wedding. So we will be going to a wedding to celebrate five years of marriage.. What better way?? Lots has happened in five years and I look forward to tons of more years to spend with my best friend raising our three precious children!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just a few pictures to share

My little sweetie pie!! This face makes me melt!

Sharing a milkshake with Daddy!
How handsome is my "Baby" getting!!!
Grayson getting geared up for the Easter egg hunt Moms club party. He just decided to eat all the candy out of the eggs and throw the eggs on the ground! Smart boy!
Anderson getting ready to get some eggs too!
How innocent??? Not really!
Anderson showing off his rock climbing skills

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Looking for Me?????

I'm still out shopping for PINK if anyone is looking for a new post! I'll get to it when I can!!! He He!!!! :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Someone Pinch Me... Think I'm Dreaming!!

It's a girl! She looked totally healthy and weighed 11 oz. She was standing on her head and the tech couldn't get all the shots she needed so we get to have another ultrasound in 4 weeks. She is measuring about a week ahead and has really long legs and feet. Maybe she will be tall like her daddy! I am so excited to have the last piece of our puzzle be a girl!!!!!! I still feel like it's not real! Thank you all so much who have been so excited about our u/s today!! It means a lot to know that we have so many wonderful friends and family that are as excited as we are. Now, on to picking out a name. Oh yeah, Anderson is getting used to the idea of "baby" being a girl. He almost cried when she said it was a girl.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

In less than 24 hours

Well my ultrasound is tomorrow and I got a call this afternoon they want to bump me from 1:30 to 1:00! Yeah. We will find out a whole 30 minutes earlier!!! Hoping to sleep a little tonight and not be too anxious. We are taking the kids with us. I am sure Grayson won't have a clue as to what is going on, but hopefully Anderson will get it! I keep going back and forth in my head as to what I think "baby" is!! Check back tomorrow for results!