Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Amy Leigh OC

Well, barring a miracle, it appears that the blog posts will be minimal for at least a couple weeks. Amy and Anderson were watching the Cubs game last night on the Dell and it completely died. Black screen with green lines...no good. I am typically not a proponent of the overpriced extended warranties on electronics but when I bought the computer a couple years ago I must have been in a worrisome mood. I don't know a whole lot about fixing hardware problems and who knows what can happen when peanut butter and the motherboard meet for the first time. Apparently they don't get along. Dell is sending a new motherboard along with a new LCD panel for the laptop. I think the board is $200-$300 (depends on how brave you are with internet sites) and who knows how much the screen costs. So I think I finally came out on top of one of the warranty deals.

Take care and Amy will have lots to talk about in a few weeks. We are hitting DC for the DMB show this weekend, Charleston with the Holby's next weekend and then on to Ormond and Disney the next. Anybody want to chip in with some gas money?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3rd of July

Remember Craven' Melon??? Well, they made an appearance in the "Thrill" aka Rock Hill on Saturday night, so we went to see them and some fireworks on Saturday night. We talked the Holby's into going with us as well. I snapped some pics of some of the kids. Some clothed some not so clothed.
Anderson and Aubree playing in one of the wagons. You should have seen us hauling all of the kids into the concert in their wagons.

Aubree starting to decide she doesn't love her dress Aubree trying to get her dress off She was so proud to get the dress off (and a little cooler too) Watching the Fireworks The big boys loved the fireworks Aubree wasn't scared of them at all

Grayson wasn't so fond of the fireworks, nor was Owen!
On July 4th we bought some kiddie fireworks and blew up some money out in the street! We all had a blast.

Little Miss Aubree

Just some pics of Miss Aubree from the other day. I took some of her on Thursday to try to enter her in a cute kid contest for the consignment sale that I sell my things at, but I got lazy and never sent them in. I thought I didn't get any good ones, but once I looked at them they turned out ok. Grayson jumped in a few... Of course, he's cute too! He's in his usual "no clothes" mode this day!