Monday, June 6, 2011

Operation DWD

I've been doing it for 6 1/2 years non-stop. For several months two seperate times I was double teaming it!!! What was it? Diapers.... We are offically Done With Diapers!! My diaper duty started back in September 2004. I had never chaged a diaper before having Anderson. One quickly learns! Once I had Grayson in 2006 , I had two in diapers until March 2007 when I got Anderson trained. So then, I was only down to one! Aubree was born in 2008 and I had two in diapers again until April 2009. Then I was only down to one again!
I attempted to potty train her over Christmas break and that ended up with us both in tears and me needing a "chill pill." Needless to say I gave up and thought I would attempt again when she was more willing. She was my baby anyways, so why rush her right? She showed me some signs along the way, but no real, "I'm ready" signs, so I kept putting it off. We were so busy anyway, who has time to sit at home on the potty. I kept toying with the Spring Break idea, since I didn't have to shuttle kids back and forth to school. We were busy the first part of the week, so we opted for the second half to "try" it again. She was ready this time!!! It only took her a day to get the pee pee part down and only one or two big accidents to get the other part down. I was glad of that since I was leaving her with my mom just a few days after starting to train her. Mattie taught her how to use the big girl potty and even a potty out in public. She trained amazingly fast. She is even wearing panties at night now! She will scream if we attempt to put a diaper on her. I'm pretty proud of her for being so easy, once she was ready and I'm pretty proud of myself for potty training all of my kids. It's one of sthe most intimidating things about parenting, I think. Hooray for being Diaper Free!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS Aubree and Amy!! Amy, what will you do with all your spare time now? Love, Aunt Diane