Friday, December 12, 2008

Picture Day

My goal was to get a decent individual picture of each child and boycott the picture of them all together this go around since Portrait Innovations during the holidays is no place you want to spend too much time!... (if you've been during that time you KNOW what I mean) I think we accomplished that and got several great ones of all of the little ones. Maybe we'll tackle that group picture in a few months.... or maybe not! I'm already a little frazzled thinking about it! Enjoy!


Carainn said...

What a cute family you have.

love Carainn

ODonnell Family Blog said...

Great pictures! Portrain Inov. does a great job, but I agree about how hard it is getting a group picture! Beautiful family!

Amy J said...

You got terrific pictures of all the kids! What cuties they all are.

Jennifer B. said...

Amy, those photos are really cute. I love the clothes you selected for the kiddos. Grayson's plaid pants are too adorable.

Unknown said...

the pictures turned out great!! your kids are adorable!

(they suckered you into buying enough for the cd didn't they??!!)

Claire said...

They are all fabulous! I can't believe how big your boys have gotten. Love all the outfits. Looks like they did really well! Hope you are having a good weekend.

Eversole Crew said...

How precious! They all did such an awesome job!

Amber Greenawalt said...

I DO know what you mean about PI during the holidays. It was after our holiday visit there last year that I decided...that's it! I'm starting my own photography bussiness. You got some great indivudal shots of your cuties :)