Sunday, August 9, 2009

Beach Trip ... Part 1

As I mentioned in my previous post, driving great distances with three children is no fun, so for the ride down to Cocoa Beach we decided to go in the middle of the night. We put the kids to bed at their usual times on Friday night and we went to bed as well. At midnight we got up, loaded the kids in the car and took off for Florida. We really thought they would sleep, but they were so excited that they couldn't sleep. Anderson was the most excited and stayed up from midnight until he finally couldn't stay awake any longer at 6 am. He only slept for about an hour in the car and was up again. The picture below is them after a few hours on the beach on Saturday. I fell asleep in between them, and had to get up to check on Aubree and they just turned into each other and snuggled!!! So sweet~ We had to wake them up so that they would go to sleep that night!
The kids loved the beach! We are fortunate enough to get to go with my mom and dad to Cocoa Beach every other year since they have a time share there! Anderson loved riding the waves with Pappy and Grayson really liked to jump them as well! Aubree loved everything about the beach. She just has no fear and didn't know when to stop walking into the water. She would fall face first into the water and it wouldn't bother her a bit. It would bother me though! I was a nervous wreck with her out there! The only time I got to relax was when I would stroll her and she would fall asleep and I would park her under the umbrella!
Daddy's Girl! I love this picture. She is such a girl! She was carrying the sand bucket around like a purse. And yes, that is Daddy's new Penn State hat...hey, it was $5, what can you say?

I didn't take a lot of pictures on the beach so these are the best ones. Mom has some on her camera, so once I get those I'll have to make another post. I was too busy trying to make sure not to lose a child! :)

*Edited*... I added some of mom's pics! She got a lot of good ones!

Grayson jumping the waves

She has so much fun "riding" the waves
I can never refuse an open mouth slobbery kiss

Mommy's babies

LOVE this pic of Anderson and Pappy!

Mattie captured her first experience with sand!


megan said...

I LOVE Cocoa Beach! Great pictures. It seems like we can never win either with trying to plan the timing of a long trip. They never sleep how we expect they will...

Anonymous said...

I am glad you were able to get the pictures I put up on FB, you will have to teach me how you did that. Great post. Of course the subject were adorable. Love Mom

Christina said...

Oh so cute pictures! I'm glad you had fun at the beach and I'm so glad you are home! It was great to see you all today :) I hope that we can get together soon.

Therese said...

Great pictures!! Looks like you all had a great time. Welcome back home.

Claire said...

LOVE all the pictures! Looks like you all had a great time even if it was an adventure getting there. Can't wait to see you soon!