Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween.. Finally

We had a "Happy Halloween" this year! We had several Halloween related activities to attend and got plenty of use out of our Halloween garb. Anderson HAD to be Agent P a.k.a Perry the Platypus. I decided I would take on the responsibility of making his costume since there weren't any for sale. I found a website with a "how to" and headed out to the cloth store to see what I could come up with. I think it turned out really cute. Grayson picked a pirate out of our dress up box, and our little princess was Snow White which my mom made for her. She's convinced that she is a princess these days. One Sunday we headed over to Boo Blast at Carowinds to trick or treat. You would have thought Anderson was a celebrity the way people pointed, stared and said "Look it's Perry the Plataypus"... even old men knew who he was.

Snow White on the Snoopy Train

On the Friday before Halloween we went to the Lake Wylie Moms club Trunk or Treat. Another opportunity to wear our costumes and get some candy!

Aubree and Mena "sharing" candy
Agent Snow White
And Lastly, Looking at our loot on Halloween night after Trick or Treating


ODonnell Family Blog said...

The kids look so cute in their costumes!! I have to hand it to you...great job on Anderson's costume!!

Rebekah said...

Ok Mom, you're just being nice, Aubree's not sharing...she's giving Mena the nasty candy she doesn't want...be honest...
Kiddos looked cute!