Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Baby Boy is 4 Years Old!

My firstborn turned 4 years old today!!! I can't believe he has been in our lives for four whole years! We are so blessed to have such a wonderful son, and thank God for him everyday! He is such a joy to have as a child! He got a big boy bicycle and helmet! Enjoy some pictures from his first four years! I get a little teary when I look at them! They grow up WAY too fast! Happy Birthday Anderson!


Rebekah Mattison said...

Some of those pictures seem like such a long time ago...someone is getting old...not Aunt Bek for sure!

Amber Greenawalt said...

HAPPY 4TH BIRTHDAY ANDERSON!!! Hope you have a wonderful fun-filled day!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Anderson!!!

Hope everyone is feeling better in your house!

Jason, Julie, Ian, and Ivy said...

Hey Amy! I'm glad I found your blog! It's been so neat reading up about how you're doing and to see your beautiful kids. Wow...3 huh? That's awesome! Jason and I one son so far...Ian, who is 17 months.

You're so right though...they grow way too fast. Can't believe we almost have a 2 year old!

It also seems like just yesterday we were cheering at Dorman!? Where does the time go?

Anyways...glad to see you're doing well!