Wednesday, January 20, 2010

17 Months Today!

Well, I know it's not a milestone birthday, but I got these cute pictures of Miss Aubree today on her 17 month birthday and I thought they were too cute not to share. She's full of energy these days and getting into everything and anything. She won't sit still for a meal or much of anything at all. She's very obsessed with her belly button and has to play with it while she sucks her thumb to go to sleep. I find her every morning with her jammies zipped half way down so she can have her belly button. It's pretty cute. Her hair is growing a lot these days and it's so curly. I love it! I'm so in love with my baby doll! Can't believe in one more month she will be 1 1/2!!! Time is flying.


Karen said...

Too cute! Time does fly! I wish Lauren would let me put a bow in her hair like that. It's getting in her eyes now, and I'm dreading the thought of having to cut it even a little bit.

melissa said...

What a little cutie! She is starting to look more like you! Melissa C