Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Look What I Did!

Ok. I have been a closet sewing/embroidery machine owner for three months now. I've been meaning to blog about my trials and tribulations with my new toy, but have never seemed to find the time to. Well, now I'm ready. My grandmother was a seamstress her entire life and I always watched her sew, but never really wanted to learn how to. I got interested in making things for Aubree about a month ago, and made her a pillowcase dress, which turned out really cute. I will have to take a pic of her in it and post it as well. I really think my "Maynor" is smiling down on me with every stitch I sew and every outfit I create for Aubree. I bet she is saying "Finally, she is learning how to sew..." I have monogrammed several things for Aubree, friends, and for Blueberry Buckle and I finally learned how to sew a pair of pants this weekend after one failed attempt! Thanks mom for coming up Saturday for my personal sewing lesson. Another fun thing is appliques which mom also walked me through over the phone... What would I do without her???
Anyway, I finished one of the three Appliqued shirt/capri pant outfits that I have planned for Aubree for the spring/summer and she was MORE than happy to model it for the camera a little while ago. Check her out... I think it turned out cute!


Lynne said...

Great Job!!! I know "Maynor" is smiling down on you.

Jenn said...

What a little Ham!!!! Good job Amy they are adorable.

megan said...

GREAT job!!!

Jason, Julie, Ian, and Ivy said...

GREAT job! I love the crab outfit...so cute!

Rebekah said...

Aubree cracks me up! Cute crab! Looks like that Kelly's Kids outfit that was in last year's catalog!

Jennifer B. said...

Way to go, Amy! Aubree looks really cute. What a smiley little gal. :-)

Claire said...

So cute!!!! You are turning into quite a pro!

Unknown said...

WOW!! The outfits (and Miss Aubree!) look beautiful!