Friday, May 15, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Our big shipment is in for Blueberry Buckle and we have been crazy busy trying to sort it and get all of the details ironed out for our show in two weeks. The outfits are so darling that we ordered. Much more beautiful than we ever thought. It was a challenge to find a place to store it all before the show! So we are really hoping that people come to buy us out, so we can start planning for fall and winter! Scarecrows, pumpkins, Santa's and reindeer, oh my!!! We have also been busy getting our credit card machine set up, purchasing racks for the show, and pricing all of the merchandise.......It has proven to be A LOT of work!!! But I'm enjoying it! Of course, Aubree had to get some of the goods. Here she is in the "ducklings" bubble by Collection Bebe! It's so cute. Don't mind her hair looking messed up! It was late in the day and she had already lost her bow and her hairbrush evidently!

1 comment:

Robert, Jennifer and Peyton said...

Anderson the 2nd!!!!! :o) Too cute!